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Friday, January 28, 2011

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 - Does It Deliver?

 Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 - Does It Deliver?

Every once in a while a product comes along that revolutionizes the industry which it applies to. These products take previously known ideas and theories and expound upon them making them better, more effective and more powerful. Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 is one of these and it truly is extraordinary.

First, we saw the genius behind Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Marketing. This original product single-handedly changed the way Internet marketing was done. Joe foresaw the need for change and modeled Hypnotic Marketing on that premise. The result was a wildly popular product that swept the Internet like a hurricane.

The only thing I can compare it to is an Internet meme. Everyone needed Joe’s system and once the word got out, everybody wanted Joe’s system and Joe was more than willing to share his knowledge with the entire world.

Originally, Hypnotic Marketing was comprised of three legs, i.e.…Hypnotic Publicity, Hypnotic Websites and Hypnotic Emails. Each leg was a powerhouse in itself and each proved to be effective individually. Put them all together and a marketing juggernaut was born.

Now there is a fourth leg to Joe’s Hypnotic Marketing ideology.

This one incorporates the web 2.0 technology with his original program. He calls the new product Hypnotic Marketing 2.0. What it does is to interconnect your customers in a powerful way that keeps them coming back over and over again. This is why every marketer NEEDS this product.

You won’t believe how the idea for this was born. Go to www.hypnoticmarketing.com to read the story behind the product’s inception.

The product
Comprised of seven steps, Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 is easy to get started with and best of all, you do not need an MBA to use it.

Step 1 gives you an overview of the Hypnotic Marketing system. This consists of the EBook, a guide to shortcuts and a quick start guide. Even a complete newbie to marketing can be off and running in a few minutes with these instructions.

Step 2 is where Joe reveals the system to you in an audio format. The power of this is that he also provides written transcripts and a cheat sheet with blanks to fill in as you go. Completely hands on so you retain what is taught here.

Step 3 is the new 4th leg to Hypnotic Marketing and embodies the “2.0? technology setup. Here you get tips and ideas for social web marketing along with written transcripts and an audio presentation of the material.

Step 4 contains ALL the material from the original product, so if you missed it the first time around, you don’t need to buy it again. All the material is presented as an EBook and in audio and written forms.

Step 5 is an eleven part walk through that Joe calls his Hypnotic Marketing E-Boot camp. Everything from grabbing an audience to strategy is covered. The last part is an example of the plan in action. You get the entire perspective here, folks, and Joe has held nothing back.

Step 6 is where you get a lot of value. This part is full of free bonuses for being smart enough to get in on this gold mine. All types of techniques developed by Joe and Larry Dotson are just handed to you here including hypnotic blogging and using the customer’s emotions as a selling tool. An absolute river of rushing possibilities awaits you; all for free.

Step 7 is your free trial period with the monthly printed newsletter and an audio CD. You never stop learning with Joe’s program.

Why we ALL need Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
When you add all the steps together and realize that this is just the tip of the iceberg, the possibilities are truly endless. As marketers, we are always on the lookout for ways to make more money. After all, our goal is financial independence, right? If it’ isn’t, it should be very soon!

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 makes that more of a possibility than ever before. All of the material presented is original and authored by Joe Vitale and his partner, Larry Dotson, so you know this is current information and not some old idea that got resurrected somehow. As marketers, we all NEED current ideas and information to keep up with things as the Internet community changes and evolves.

The original Hypnotic Marketing system is proven and effective. With the addition of the web 2.0 ideology, it is virtually unstoppable. At the very least, it is unbeatable and productive.

Joe Vitale has offered this 4th leg as additional material, yet has included the original material as well. This saves newcomers to the program. As a marketing maneuver, this is ingenuous, not to mention unheard of in the Internet marketing community. So you can trust that Joe and his team are not doing this simply to make money, bit to help the masses learn to use the Internet to become financially independent as well.

The material delivers all that it promises, hands down, and keeps giving with the monthly newsletter. The result is that it is the “gift that keeps on giving”, so to speak. With proven methods and ideas, you cannot go wrong with this product.

Strong product content, great teaching abilities, easy to understand step by step instructions and monthly marketing lessons that keep coming make this a must have for every marketer.

This product not only does what it says it will do, it does what it says it will keep doing and that is what makes this a trustworthy purchase.

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