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Monday, January 31, 2011

Can You Imagine Success?

I was walking with a fien when she lookes at me and said, "How do you do it?"  I looked at her with puzzlement on my face, which seemed to compel her to ask more directly, "How you can have time for 5 children, a husband and a full time?" My answer was, "Because I want to?"

See we choose our reaction to our surroundings.  Instead of binging your morale down with "I have to....." attitude, we have to have "I want to......" attitude.  Even the sound of it makes me depressed, "I have to....."  Say it with me.  Feel the emotion and the energy drain from those three little words.  Those words put a wight on your heart.  Can you feel it? If not, imagine something that has to get done by your standards and you are dreding doing it.  Now say, "I have to...." and replace the dots with your dreded event.

Now let's change gears, say, "I choose to......"  "I choose to go to work."  "I choose to wash the dishes."  "I choose to pick up the kids."  Now experience what you feel when you say those sentences.  Don't you feel more inclined o do the things you need to do.  Actually telling yourself you choose to take on a particular project make you look at it in a different light.  I choose to raise 5 children and work on the internet.  I choose to homeschool. I choose to be a better person.

When we choose to do somethingwe actually trick our minds into thinking that this activity is a privilege and a blessing to take on.  We can do that with our business. We can choose to be a better business person.  We can choose to do anything we ant, because we are training our minds to see this as a privilage not a curse.  We can look at our businesses in the same way.  We can choose to add value to our business by seeking out those persons who add value to our business.

We have the power to choose who will associate with, who we learn from, and who we love.  Choose to add value to your business from top marketers like Seth Godin, Jay Conrad Levison, and Joe Vitale.  These men also choose to run their businesses with the idea of making those who work for them better people.  Now we can learn directly from these guys. We can learn what they do to make their businesses successful.  They are more than willing to tell us.

Here is what you do.  Sign up for my free newsletter at the top corner of the page, get your free tickets, and join the team of those who CHOOSE to add value to their business by adding value to others.
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