"Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all
experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant
mental attitude." Charles Haanel
"Mind is creative," The mind wants to create. You have to remember that your subconscious mind knows no right or wrong, no bad or evil. It knows what you tell it. there is no truth on the other side. The conscious mind knows morallity and immorality. That is why you have a conscious mind. You must train the conscious mind to control the subconscious or you will lead both into a ditch. The subconscious knows only that if you say that you are beautiful, that you are beautiful. It accepts everything put into it as truth. That is why we must watch the company we keep the things we allow ourselves to see. Yes, we may say we can handle it, but when the conscious contradicts the subconsious a suffering inside takes place. You must have both minds in harmony. They must be speaking the same language before you can access the power of it.
Since the mind is ceative, you need to remember the old proverb that read, "As a man thinketh, so he is." Your mind wants to be in harmony and is always looking for the way to create that harmony. Okay, now that I have set the stage. Let's talk business.
your business is know by the company it keeps. Who are your customers? Who is your target? What do they do? How much do they make? Are they married? How many children do they have? Are they home owners? What kind of jobs do they have? All this information your subconscious mind needs, has to have in order to attract those types of people. You also need to know that you want customers of positive moral character. Why? These are people who will return the change you gave them, because you gave them a nickel too much. These are the people who elp a complete stranger pick up there dropped belongings and help them to their car and then refuse compensation. You must dwell on this aspect of character. You want loyal customers,
In order to gain honest, reliable, loyal customers, you must become that way also. you will not attract customers of high integrity unless you are. Sure you might get a few, but they won't stay very long. We must watch what we say and do in order to bring loyal customers. You must train yourself to make money through moral means. Otherwise, you will loose your business. Long-term business success depends on your character. Nothing else.
your mental attitude must be positive. You must look at failure as a challenge and find the positive way to get out of it. Find the lesson, the solution, the mindset to get you through the rough patches. You must remember the way to true inner peace is to associate with those of high integrity, learn to have high integrity, and teach others to have high integrity.
One final thought, You are what you think. You will manifest what you focus on. Focus includes action. You cannot have what you do not actively seek for. The impossible only takes a little longer.
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